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B&M Joiners Moving Forward

B&M Joiners Latest News Sept 2021

What a fantastic time to be an Edinburgh joiner. Skilled work; doing jobs that we’re good at, and it all makes people happy. Add some fresh summer air, and an opening economy and we really are ready to rock and roll.

This month, therefore, I thought it worthwhile to take a quick pause and reflect on where we feel things currently stand for B&M Joiners & Bespoke Services and our COVID “journey”.

Demand is Up

It was interesting to read on the BBC website that UK job vacancies are at a record high as wages pick up. We’d echo this increased in demand; for people, tools, materials, time. At one level it’s nothing new as we continue to compete to deliver the best joinery service to our customers (with the best staff, suppliers, materials and working practices). Was it Billy Ocean that sang “When the going gets tough…”?

Financing Available

Delighted to announce we have a brand-new financing option coming soon. Available for people with varying circumstances, we believe that you shouldn’t have to pinch your pockets to be able to purchase our products.

You will be able to pay in affordable monthly instalments to better suit your needs and budget. To help you purchase from B&M Joiners, we have partnered with a regulated credit broker to offer all our customers a range of highly flexible finance options. Please contact us for further details.

New Staff

B&M Joiners continues to grow. We brought in a couple of new joiners across the pandemic, (Charlie and James) and our new Office Manager, Maggie, has just started. As part of our commitment to training the next generation, we have also started a new apprentice, Nathan. Happy days.

Yes, there are still more vacancies to fill, but our priority continues to be quality in all things – not just quantity. The right people, doing the right things, in the right way at the right time. It’s what’s kept us in business for more than 50 years, and it’ll keep us on the right path for the many years ahead.

Happy & Healthy

I’m thankful to say that the team has come through the pandemic relatively unscathed. It’s been a very difficult time for so many reasons but we’re trying to focus on the positives; to come back stronger, better, happier and make up for lost time. It’s wonderful to be excited about the months and jobs ahead; confident in the knowledge and belief that things are all improving.

Yes, COVID-19, and its impact has caused a world of disruption and we do apologise for the consequential impact on many of your projects. We are now, however, back at what we would describe as “full strength” and what joy to be seeing all our customers again.

We acknowledge that there have been so many difficulties across the past 17 months or so. Now is the time to move forward together.

Kickstart Scheme

We’re also excited to be supporting the UK Government’s Kickstart Scheme. This job creation scheme for 18–24-year-olds on Universal Credit is exactly the kind of programme we love at B&M. A structured way to offer jobs, experience, confidence and learning through the practical delivery of real-life skills. It’s a win-win for all staff and clients alike, and a complementary approach to the wider approach to learning and development we take at B&M.

That said, it does need applications from the right people. If you’re looking at the Kickstart Scheme and are considering an exciting career in Bespoke Joinery, then feel free to reach out and discuss. We’d love to hear from you.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

There’s more good news from B&M on the environmental front. We continue to work through moving our current Zero Waste Scotland accreditation through to the highest platinum level. It’s been wonderful to learn more about the improvement pledges being made all across Scotland and play our own part in doing what we can for the environment. A number of additional improvement initiatives have been implemented and, ahead of COP 26, it’s a joy to see these steps in place. More details to follow in the months ahead

B2B Customers

Whether ongoing long-term relationships with existing businesses or the newest of relationships borne from a recent Public Contracts Scotland tender, business customers continue to be a key part of the successful work undertaken by B&M Joiners & Bespoke Services.

We pride ourselves on delivering the highest standards of work and value and are treating this period post-COVID lockdown as an opportunity to further improve our delivery to our customers. We believe there’s always more that we can do and, building on current clear communications, openness and trust, we look forward to delivering more successes to you in the months ahead.

As ever, please get in touch on 0131 556 9816 if there are any specific projects you’d like to discuss.


B&M Joiners & Bespoke Services are also bringing you added value through the creation and strengthening of partnerships. Across the trades, supply chain, professional services, IT, Finance and wider, there’s a host of exciting improvements being made to the business. Exciting times and we are always open to further discussions if it can add tangible added value to our customers, staff, and business alike. More details to follow.

The Month ahead

Time is really motoring at the moment. Nothing stays still, and it can be a skill in itself to invest the time and effort needed to plan and organise the B&M workload. That said, this is what we live for: beautifully finishing jobs and moving on to the next one.

What’s your next Bespoke Joinery job? Need a fitted kitchen or a remodelled home office? Whatever your need, we’d love to hear all about it. Why not give us a call to discuss, or pop into the office for a coffee and a chat.



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