Spring Sale Extended!

T&Cs apply

Looking To A Positive Future

B&M Joiners Edinburgh

A warm hello to all our customers, suppliers and Edinburgh friends,

As we come to the end of April, who would have thought at the start of the year we would be going through this unprecedented global Coronavirus event. We truly hope you are all keeping safe, well and positive as we go come up to the end of the 5th week in this lockdown period. Of course, we closed the business to follow government guidelines, protect our staff, customers and help protect the NHS. This has given us some time to review and plan.

This year, 2020, is B&M Joiners 50th year in business and we are very proud of this fact. Through hard work and building trust by doing a professional job, on time and at a fair price, has allowed us to grow, thrive and now survive this latest interruption to life and business.

We intend to celebrate this golden birthday later on this year and we have various plans in the making, so do look out for that news.

In addition, we are also working on introducing some new services that reflect the demands of our customers and the changing market environment. Exciting times ahead we feel.

Talking of the environment, we are also actively working at committing the business to a new eco-friendly model. We have been researching, revising and reviewing all our internal processes and supplier channels to see how we can improve B&M Joiners eco-footprint. Further information to be announced on this in the next few months.

In the meantime, we look forward to kicking back into action soon and getting back to do what we do best.

Thanks, Danny McGuinness, B&M Joiners & Building Services


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