Spring Sale Extended!

T&Cs apply

We Are Back Open For Business

B&M Joiners & Bespoke Services

As we emerge out of this 2021 lockdown and following government guidelines for Covid-19 we are delighted to announce B&M Joiners & Bespoke Services are OPEN again for business. In short, we are available for all home & commercial visits.

We also have a complete plan in place for how we operate within your homes and workplaces, to deliver maximum protection and social distancing to keep everyone safe and healthy. Please see further information below or do ask about this when calling or emailing us.

Of course, we will be closely following the latest Scottish Government updates as we go, and we will provide further updates and advice as we work our way out of this full lockdown period.

Reopening Safely

We will be following the Scottish Government recommended guidelines to keep our employees and customers safe.

  • All of our workers are required to have a face mask,
  • Workers will sanitise and disinfect shared services frequently throughout the day,
  • We also encourage our customers to wear masks or facial coverings, wash/sanitise hands before coming into our office and – most importantly – stay at home and rearrange appointments if feeling sick.
  • We will manage payments via bank transfer & contact-less payment technology
  • We are carefully monitoring the Covid situation, and the most important thing is to make sure we conduct business in a safe environment.

If you have specific questions not addressed here or on our website, please do get in touch.

Danny McGuinness, B&M Joiners & Bespoke Services


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