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Actions Not Words

Eco Blog November

So, COP 26 Glasgow has come to an end. Historic levels of commitment to changes that can protect the planet from Climate Change. And some, like the climate activist Greta Thunberg, would write these commitments off as “blah, blah, blah” and stress that it’s all about action, not words.

One thing that COP 26 has done is prompt B&M Joiners & Bespoke Services to look at its own actions on Climate Change. What are we, a Bespoke Joiners that’s been around since 1970, doing differently to reduce our carbon footprint? It was an interesting exercise and we thought it might be useful to document and share exactly what sort of things we have been doing to contribute what we can.

What follows is Part 1 of 2 eco-focused blog posts covering extracts of some of our recent actions to try and help the environment.

Management Agenda

We’ve taken firm steps to make the environment and B&M’s impact on it a fundamental part of what we do. The environment is now a fixed agenda item for updates, discussions, and action in our weekly “all hands” meetings of all B&M staff. It’s a simple change but putting eco considerations “front and centre” in our weekly catchups, allows us to maintain and maximise our focus on our eco-credentials. It’s now a key part of what we do.

Business Community Collaboration

We also try and ensure that our focus on all things environmental isn’t limited to just within B&M Joiners & Bespoke Services. Collaboration across the wider business community is now a constant in how we work. Be this with customers, partners, suppliers, neighbours, or the local community we try and keep in clear communication with everyone as to “best practice” across all things environmental.

A problem shared is often a problem halved and, together, we are more confident that we can make the most positive environmental impact we can. Recent examples of wider business collaboration include attending some COP26 events, involvement in “green events” advertised on Eventbrite, and reaching out to innovative suppliers that can improve the carbon footprint of our business.

Construction Materials Re-use

One real success of the last year is our more proactive approach to the upcycling and re-use of kitchens being replaced. Historically, many kitchens being replaced would end up skipped and in landfills. By proactively taking the time to carefully remove existing kitchens, investing time to photograph and publicise their availability through Social Media platforms such as Facebook Marketplace, Freegle and Freecycle, new life is being given to many kitchen units, worktops and appliances. Sometimes it just takes a little bit more thought, planning and effort.

Further Focus

A strong focus is also being put on the recycling and re-use of other construction materials; old sash & case windows, old power tools, wood, joinery hardware (e.g., Fixtures, fittings, locks, handles etc.) Working with organisations such as Move On wood recycling and The Edinburgh Tool Library is encouraged to all.

Another simple, but highly effective, improvement has been the addition of a “Free Recycling Point” next to our offices on Rodney Street. Windows, Doors, CLS Timber, Ironmongery etc. Feel free to drop by and have a look. All items are free to a good home.

Hopefully, this gives some interesting insight into how seriously we’re taking our environmental commitments. If anything we’ve described is of interest and you’d like to know more please feel free to get in touch.

Get In Touch

The simplest approach would be an enquiry via our website, Contact us | B&M (bandmjoiners.com), giving us a call on 0131 556 9816 or popping into the office @ 13–15 Rodney Street, Edinburgh
EH7 4EN, UK.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Many Thanks

Danny, Managing Director, B&M Joiners & Bespoke Services

Craftsmanship since 1970


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