Spring Sale Extended!

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New Look for B&M Joiners & Building Services

B&m joiners & building services logo

We are pleased to announce a re-brand of B&M Joiners & Building Services alongside our sister company Sash & Case Windows Direct

Our 2 websites have been updated to allow users to more easily navigate and read up on the services we provide.

They will be regularly updated with news on our 2 companies, B&M Joiners & Building Services and Sash & Case Windows Direct alongside interesting blog articles, snippets and guides.

We hope you like the new design and look forward to continuous improvement across all aspects of the businesses.



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Team Training Day!

B&M Joiners has been delivering craftsmanship since 1970, providing quality, service, and value in Edinburgh for over 50 years. One thing that’s been a constant

Eco Blog November

Actions Not Words

So, COP 26 Glasgow has come to an end. Historic levels of commitment to changes that can protect the planet from Climate Change. And some,

Finance with B&M Joiners

Finance Your Next Project Now

Great News! You may remember from our previous post that we were close to offering you, our valued customer, the option to finance your joinery